Positive Fundamentals

Caring for your dog is a unique experience. These are some of the things that can happen…to everyone: House soiling, Chewing, Barking, Not listening, Running away, and Reactivity.

Often these issues have a common source. In this course, I will help you: understand why these things happen, prevent instead of cure, and encourage your dog to LISTEN because they WANT to.

Course Curriculum

Start Next Lesson Outlines and Objectives
Lesson One - MINDSET - Value
Lesson Two - MINDSET - Choices
Lesson Three - MINDSET - Rewards
Lesson 4 SET-UP - Environment
Lesson Five - SET-UP - Tools
Lesson Six - SET-UP - Boundaries & Logistics
Lesson Seven
Lesson Eight
Lesson Nine
Lesson Ten
Lesson Eleven
Lesson Twelve